Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I Want to Lie

I want to lie about this post and say I read some amazing book

 but I didn't. 


But if it means anything… I was one of the people against reading a book for this class in the first place because I knew I wouldn't do it sooooooo

I didn't. 


I did read "Green eggs and Ham" in the daycare though. 

It's a great read. 

Pretty long for a children's book but full of important messages

 kind of. 

So Nelson, if you are reading this…

 don't think I'm a tourist and give me a zero. 

I did read, but not what you wanted me to. 

…plus i already told you no 
so it's not like you can really expect me too anyways.

so once again. 

Im Sorry.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Guess Who.

Hi guys.
It's me.

Savannah Murdock.

I used the name "Artistic Athlete" because Im a dancer, 
and dancers are known as 
artistic athletes.

kind of cheesy.

kind of dumb.

but I thought it fit me pretty well.


Thanks for reading my blog. 

Hope you liked it.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Its All About the Details

I love little details. 

I love when people tell stories and they never forget to show a funny facial expression or add a funny side comment, 
because its the little things that makes a story great.

I have lots and lots of good stories to tell, but I also have a lot of details that come along with them. 

heres a few you may enjoy:

 I remember
when we were roasting hot dogs in the fort we made up in the mountains. 
I had already made mine and you were in the process 
of getting your hot dog on the bun. 
(you put the  hot dog on horizontally because you're an idiot, so trying to get the hot dog off the stick was a real struggle.) 
Anyways, in your endeavor to get your hot dog on your bun,
 you burnt yourself and jerked your hand back with 
quite a bit of force. 
Meanwhile, i was pulling my hot dog up to take a bite as you burned yourself,
 and when you threw your hand back, you hit my hand. 
After looking down and realizing that my hot dog was missing,
 we couldn't contain our laughter. 

I remember...
when we blew up a baby raft so we could go float in the middle of silver lake and fish for a while. 
I also remember how you knew there was a hole in it but decided it was a good idea anyways
 because you brought a hand pump to keep us afloat
Quite the experience. 

I remember...
when you tried to take me on a picnic for my birthday this summer. You had a cute place in mind, but it was close to forty five minutes away, but the spot was important so we made the drive. When we got up there… there was a huge sign that said 
"No Picnicing Allowed" 
and we couldn't stop laughing. 
(But we decided to anyways so we hid in the trees and ate our food on a log)

I remember...
when my dad bought us tickets to the Bees 
game this summer.
 We were playing a team from Vegas and we were excited to go. When we got up there… we realized that
we were playing Vegas IN Vegas
and my Dad wasted his money on tickets we couldn't use. 

 I remember... 
the butterflies I felt when you first held my hand.
 We were watching Catching Fire in theaters and I could feel how nervous you were from my seat. 
(it was cute)

I love the details of my life. 
I really do.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Her Love was a Plane


"One man was devoted to a woman because he believed her love was a plane he planned to fly."

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'll Bet You Ten Dollars

My heart beats. 

It beats in such a beautiful melody that I love so much.

Sometimes I feel as though when it beats, all my poor heart is trying to do is tell me something. 

Its trying to tell me that I'm worth it and 
that I'm one of few people on this earth that are lucky enough to have a companion inside of them that actually does beat. 

It’s trying to tell me to stop listening to my controlling and stubborn mind

...Ill bet you ten dollars that if my heart wasn't bound forever inside my chest by the cage of my bony ribs.. 
it would walk right up to my brain and beat the crap out of it. 

...I try not to favor my mind over my heart but my mind is so much louder and it has such strong opinions that it’s hard to heed to the soft voice of my tender heart.

But regardless of which organ I listen to more,
 My heart still beats. 
 My heart still loves. 
 My heart still speaks.

And Im thankful for that

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Fell in Love with You and Nature

I used to like nature
That was until this summer
This summer we spent 86% of our time outdoors

We fell in love with each other
We fell in love with nature

I fell in love with the exquiste trees and the romantic rainstorms

because watching the rain slide down the crevice near your eyes and 
slip off the edge of your cheek bones is just one of 
those details i will never forget

I fell in love with the sunshine and the warmth i felt while laying in your arms

because no matter how good i felt alone, it never compared to how i felt
when we were one

I fell in love with your creativity and your perfect smile

because it was inspiring too see you be you, and nothing makes 
me happier than your smile

I fell in love with the sunset and the starry night sky

because when the sun would set and the warmth it brought to the earth was gone, 
all we had was each other

I fell in love with fast driving and the slow kissing

because you always had time to make things romantic 
and i liked that
a lot 

I fell in love with the water, 

whether in a stream or lake
just because 

I fell in love with our long days but our too short of nights

because it got to the point where curfew 
seemed to come sooner and sooner 

I fell in love with your laugh and your sense of adventure

because although things didn't always work out, 
we never had anything less 
than an amazing time

I used to like nature
that was until this summer

I fell in love with you

I fell in love with nature

I fell in love with you

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Don't Blame Death for your Fear of Living.

We are all gonna die.

Death is inevitable.

It creeps upon us all like the tide creeps on to the sand. Slowly, but surely in comes, and the time and place it will arrive is always unpredictable. 

Death is unannounced and usually uninvited.

Death is the only attribute that we all share as a human race.

No one can stop it from coming and its something that most of us fear.

We fear the unknown.
And death is apart of the unknown.

But I for one appreciate death.
Death is a motivation to live life. 
Without death, what would be the point of living?
What is a beginning without its end?

Everything worth caring about in life comes to an end and that is why it has value.

We value the things we will soon lose.

I value life because it doesn’t last forever.
I value each breath because at some point, I will take my last.

But maybe what we fear isn’t really death.
Maybe we really fear life.

We fear not doing all we hoped for in life and we fear the idea that when death looks us in the face we wont be ready.

Don't blame death for your fear of living. 

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any moment.” – Mark Twain